
I’m a mom. I also happen to be a psychologist who specializes in treating Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and anxiety disorders. I’ve worked with children, teens and families for a long time. My husband and I have two young adult kids who are finding their way in life.

Being a child therapist does not make you immune to struggles in your family. Sometimes, it actually makes you feel a little more like you’re under the microscope when you or a loved one struggle. A number of years ago, my husband and I realized that our then 7-year-old son had Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I knew what it was for several months before we sought treatment. I kept hoping that I was wrong or that it would go away. It didn’t – and I didn’t know how to help. We did seek help from an OCD specialist and that led to great improvements for our whole family (and to me becoming a specialist).

When my son became a teenager, he had a re-emergence of his OCD symptoms and ultimately refused treatment. I began writing this blog in July, 2013, to find an outlet for all the experiences that were running around my head and needed a place to live. I hoped that my experience would touch others. Along the way, we’ve experienced other family struggles, including major depressived disorder (which is not exclusive to one member of our family). As of today, August 1, 2021, we are still on a journey together. I am humbled by this experience and by the incredible readers, new and long-timers, who have come along with me.

* Note:  All names used in this blog are pseudonyms to allow for privacy.

61 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: Blog Award | Dreams to be anxiety free

  2. I am so glad I found your blog. I am an Occupational Therapist. I have worked primarily with adults and the elderly but had mental health training and when I was in school, I wanted to work with socially and emotionally disturbed children. My daughter developed OCD, when she was 8, I was sure that is what it was and yet, I too wanted to be wrong. She is 11, almost 12 now and still has a ways to go but we have a wonderful therapist. Her younger brother who just turned 5 is showing signs of OCD. It is a challenge. I look forward to reading your posts.

    1. I’m glad you found my blog, too. I think that there is a feeling of having some extra pressure when you work in a helping profession. It’s almost like – “I help people. I should be able to help my own kids.” And it can feel pretty overwhelming when our kids are struggling with something that we don’t have all the answers for. This is an interesting ride, isn’t it? Keep on hanging in there. Sounds like your daughter and son have a wonderfully caring mom. – Angie

  3. I was wondering if you might share some information in a blog post. I am looking for a therapist for my loved one. What should I be looking for to make sure my loved one has the best chance for success? Would it be a certain degree? A feeling when we meet them? If you feel up to it, I am sure many people would benefit.
    As always,
    Thank you for providing hope for those of us out there going through similar challenges.

  4. Hello there! I just stumbled on this blog and I’m really happy I did. I have OCD in the family in the sense that my father has it… and passed it on to me. I’ve had it since I was 5 and have gone through periods of obsessively washing my hands to purely obsessional thoughts about hurting others, hurting myself, and extreme doubt in my decisions and life situations. I often worry that I will pass OCD along to my children, and do a lot of research on how to detect OCD early and help a child deal with it. I have an amazingly supportive boyfriend and bring my concerns up to him all of the time, and sometimes it seems that being obsessed with making sure my children have an easier time than me is another obsession!

    Jess @ http://www.inpursuitofsimple.com

    1. Hi Jess, So glad you found my blog. Thank you for sharing about yourself. OCD can certainly enter into all different parts of one’s life, can’t it? It sounds like you have wonderful support in your boyfriend. – Angie

  5. Pingback: Nominated For a Liebster! I’d Like To Thank The Academy…. | Pebbles On The Road

  6. Victoria Walk

    Thank you for sharing your experiences and letting the world know that we are not alone. My sweet daughter has sudden onset OCD that began when she was 15. We have sought professional help but this far, the condition is winning out. She is unable to focus on a consistent basis and is emotionally volatile. It is difficult to get through the day and handle normal deadlines and responsibilities. She doesn’t see that anything is wrong with doing what she wants to do, when she wants it, and demanding what she wants, for the sake of satisfying her OCD. Family events and peaceful living are unpredictable. Hoping for the best for the futur but not sure how to handle.

    1. Victoria, It is a privilege to be able to share and to reach others. My heart goes out to you. It is so painful to watch OCD win. I honestly believe that going through the teen years while dealing with OCD makes the situation that much more challenging. Hopefully, as she matures, she will want more for herself. And keep getting help for yourself, even if she sees nothing is wrong. For me, as a mom, I always have to keep educating myself about how to best navigate this whole thing. My thoughts are with you. – Angie

      1. Victoria Walk

        Thank you so much! It helps to be able to talk, educate, and work towards the best solutions together.

  7. Hi there,

    I’ve been reading your blog and it’s incredibly interesting!

    I wanted to quickly message you and find out whether or not you’d be interested in taking part in my Mental Health Art Auction.

    It’s a new project I’m running whereby we aim to raise awareness, fight stigma and raise money for charity.

    The bloggers that will take part will be required to write posts –
    promoting the auction
    talking about their experiences
    explaining why they’re taking part

    However the level of commitment is completely up to the individual blogger – any help is appreciated!

    Please check out this link and let me know if you’d like to become involved –
    We’d love to have you on board.

    Lauren Hayley

  8. Faith Cole

    Hi Angie,
    I’m also glad to have found your blog. I have begun reading your posts from the most recent. I read you mentioning that you are waiting for your son to decide he needs to fight back against his OCD again. My 19 year old son has OCD. His most problematic obsession is with some harm coming to me. So much so that he drives me to and from work (I’m a teacher) and won’t let me leave the house without him to go grocery shopping, etc. In fact, he doesn’t even want me to go out to the mailbox for fear I may be kidnapped. I feel incredibly suffocated by all of this. I can’t do anything with friends or even my sister without his agreement and his going along with us. We began ERP therapy with a wonderful therapist, but he refused to continue after about 4 sessions because it was so very difficult and frightening. If I wait for him to decide to go back into therapy, I am afraid I will have had a nervous breakdown by then due to its daily stress on me. Any thoughts as a mom of an OCD teen?
    Thanks for sharing your experiences with us all. I definitely feel less alone.
    With much gratitude,

    1. Hi Faith. I am so glad that you are finding my blog a way to feel less alone. And I am also glad that you reached out. First, my heart goes out to you. I know that it can be extremely taxing on the entire family when a member has OCD, especially when anyone becomes pulled into, or is the target of, rituals. OCD is definitely a whole family issue. Regarding your question about my thoughts as the mom of a teen with OCD – and one who is refusing treatment, at that – I’m happy to share some thoughts. Blake actually went through a good deal of treatment when he was younger and then again when he was a young teen. Both times, my husband, Michael, and I were all a part of the treatment. We were there to support Blake; however, we were also there to learn how to stop accommodating his OCD symptoms and to pull out of his rituals. So, although Blake continues to have OCD, we have adjusted our behavior so that we are not a part of his rituals. His OCD is his responsibility and we do our best to stay healthy (we are not always perfect, but we continuously apply what we learned in treatment). You do not have to wait for your son to choose to return to treatment in order for you to begin to get your life back. However, it is almost impossible to do this alone. You may wish to contact the therapist who your son went to see to see if that person will see you and help you develop and implement a plan. Alternatively, you can use the therapist locator tools on the websites for the International OCD Foundation or the Anxiety and Depression Association of America to find someone who is skilled with OCD and who is willing to work with you. Here are two articles I hope you will find useful on the topic. They are by Heidi Pollard and C. Alec Pollard, Ph.D. who are internationally recognized for their work with families of treatment refusers/avoiders.


      I wish you all the best. Things CAN get better. Sending you strength.

      – Angie

  9. Patrick

    I suffer from scrupulosity and I appreciate this blog for being a window on what the life of another sufferrer looks like. I’ve had these moments where I was in the fetal position, terrified at all teh prospects of what I thought an acceptable life would look like (not a lot of fun). I don’t really know if that’s helpful or just another compulsive mantra waiting to happen, but I find the Book of Ecclesiastes helpful to remind believers that enjoying life is not wrong (“do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise, why destroy yourself?”- sounds familiar?)
    Best of luck to Blake, I hope he gets freed soon!

  10. Michelle

    I just ran across your blog and I am amazed at how many of your families experiences with OCD mirror those of our family. My younger son suffers from severe OCD currently. His OCD came on fast and furious around 6 yrs ago. (The last 4yrs being primarily scrupulosity) The initial presentation hit with such force and intensity I felt as though a tornado had torn through our lives. The confusion and intensity of the situation was overwhelming. He changed from a normal teenage boy to a person I did not recognize. The depression that came to him along with the intrusive thoughts and compulsions of his OCD effected me as much as my son. The days when I would arrive home to find him waiting for me in the driveway crying and completely overwhelmed, I thought we may not make it through this and was certain that we were alone in this struggle. He is now 20 yrs old. He stopped going to school at 16 because he couldn’t function in the environment, he is still living at home currently and is almost house bound at this point because the stress of dealing with the demons that will take over his soul when things are not done right have made him avoid most everything possible. He is now down to one pair of shorts he can wear, sometimes can not manage to choose to correct glass so that he can drink something during the day, and the praying and rituals consume the majority of his life. Despite trying multiple medications, CBT, and other therapies through the years, life is still a struggle every day. OCD can absolutely be a debilitating disease. I hear OCD used so much now in normal conversations to describe peoples habits or preferences for order or cleanliness. I don’t believe most people have an understanding or appreciation of it’s potential to alter lives. I have to say I wish your family the best and your not alone. Hopefully one day science will have a better understanding of this disease and develop more effective treatments. There are so many that suffer and a huge percentage of those people for which established treatments and medications have little or no benefit. God bless your family!

    1. Hi Michelle, I’ve been away from a computer for a couple weeks, so I am just now seeing this. Thank you for stopping by and for sharing your story. My heart goes out to you, your son, and your whole family. I hope that he is able to find something that is helpful to him. Do not give up! As for me, I plan to keep on educating others as to what this whole OCD experience is really about. With knowledge and awareness, hopefully there can be continued improvements in the treatments that are available.

  11. OCDmom

    Just want to thank you for your blog. When my daughter was having anxiety issues a year ago, I spoke to a psychology major at our church who suggested that she seemed to have some OCD symptoms. I ‘Googled’ the OCD and some descriptive words (of her symptoms) and BAM! Scrupulosity came up…along with your blog. I gained great comfort in your posts (just by knowing that we were not in this alone!). You helped inspire me seek help, to research OCD (specifically scrupulosity) and support (from friends). Through MUCH prayer, therapy with a qualified doctor (ERT & CBT), we have been able to regain our daughter back. She is now happy & psychologically healthy. She understands that OCD is not a condition that is curable. That it can rear it’s ugly head at any time (like just last week when the faced driver’s ed)…but she knows how to identify it, how to ask for help & how to ‘attack’ it…making her able to function.

    If I can give any advice to others out there…DO NOT delay finding a qualified therapist …one who specializes in Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Emotional Response Therapy. By working with my dd and the therapist (giving therapist feedback on what was working, what wasn’t working in-between sessions AND keeping communication open with my dd…that meant spending a lot of time talking, helping her with her therapy, and finding ways to educate her), we were able to kick this in 7 months. (He projected 4-5 months, but her compulsions were more mental than physical, so they were harder to fight.)

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you so much for reading and for sharing your story today. I am so happy to hear how your daughter is doing and so glad that my blog has been able to offer something positive on your journey. And your words of advice ring so true. Thank you! Thank you – for bringing some light into my day, too. Warm regards, Angie

  12. sairaam venkatraman

    I’m glad I found your blog! The perspective you offer in your blog is inspiring. You are a great mom! I hope Blake can win his battle with his illness.

  13. Hi Angie, I’m glad I came across your blog! We have similarities, different mental health issues. I’ve had panic attacks since I was a child. My daughter started showing signs of them at age 9. I knew right away what it was, but didn’t want to admit that she’d have to deal with the frightening symptoms like I did. I’m happy to say we’re both now panic free! All the best to you, Jenny

    1. Hi Jenny! So glad you came across my blog, too. And so very glad to hear that you are both panic free. It can be difficult to admit our kids are struggling, right? I find that it can take great courage to acknowledge it and get help. Best to you, too! – Angie

  14. Hi OCD In The Family Team,

    My name is Anuj Agarwal. I’m Founder of Feedspot.

    I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog OCD In The Family has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 50 OCD Blogs on the web.


    I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 50 OCD Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

    Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.


  15. Phoebe Holbrook

    I am a mother, grandmother and an RN. I am seeing possible OCD symptoms in my 8 soon to be 9 yr old Grandson. My youngest son began therapy for OCD when he was 12 ( he’s now 27). There is too much to write here about that.
    My grandson is using all the shampoo, hand soap , saving cream , dumping it down the sink. He locks the bathroom door and dumps all the liquid soap down the sink. When he takes a bath or shower if the bottles are there, he uses all the shampoo and body wash. I don’t think he is washing with it but pouring it down the drain. He also sprayed a whole bottle of his brother’s cologne on himself. My daughter just told me about this today. It has been going on for awhile. They have disciplined him in different ways involving spanking ,requiring him to do extra chores and taking away his Halloween candy.
    I know from experience that these methods do not work for OCD! But I’m not sure if these are OCD behaviors, they are not familiar to me. My question is do you think these fall in the OCD category and any suggestions for my daughter?

    1. Hi Phoebe. Thank you for reading and for commenting. What you are describing could possibly be OCD; it could also be something else. Either way, his behavior tells that something is going on, and it would be a good idea for your daughter to seek an evaluation of the situation (and of your grandson) from a professional who is familiar in working with mental health issues in young children. Also, given the history of OCD in the family, it would be a good idea that the professional be very familiar with OCD. If it is OCD, the approach will be very different than it would be for other issues (as you mention above). If they aren’t sure where to begin, they might try the therapist finder feature for on the websites for the International OCD Foundation and the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Wishing you, your grandson, and your family all my best. – Angie

    2. Liz

      Hello, I’ve just come across your blog. It seems that my youngest son and yours have a lot in common. My son is almost 18. I found the images of your son’s hands and they could be my son’s.

      My son has been through a lot since becoming a teenager, starting with a very painful family breakup and divorce. He was always sociable, played football, and did well at school. Maybe we just didn’t see how much he was going through although we all had therapy at the time. He started to struggle at school and was diagnosed with dyslexia when he was 16. He had support outside of school for that but then decided he didn’t have a problem and no longer wanted to have assistance. Now he is a socially isolated boy convinced that the world is contaminated and an obsessive hand washer. Most worryingly he has started to refuse to talk to anyone including his family. He communicates by writing notes or signing. He absolutely refuses to see a psychiatrist. I am going to see a psychiatrist next week. If you have any ideas how I can get through to my son. I miss him so much.

      Thank you for writing this blog. Your love and respect for your son are so very clear. Best wishes.

      1. Hi Liz, Thank you for writing. I am so glad you found this blog, too, and I am so sorry for all that you are going through. Hang in there; there is hope. Really the best treatment for OCD is ERP (exposure and response prevention). The International OCD Foundation (https://iocdf.org/) is a really good place to start looking at information. There is a place on there that you can look for providers near you who specialize in treating OCD (which it very much sounds like he may have). A skilled therapist in treating OCD can help to make the diagnosis. If there aren’t any providers near you, you can ask if ones do teletherapy. Also, if your son refuses to go to treatment, then do, by all means go yourself and with other family members. The therapist will teach you to recognize ways you might be getting involved and accommodating his behavior and will help you find ways to begin to help him and yourself. Another wonderful resource is the Peace of Mind Foundation (https://peaceofmind.com/). Maybe he’d watch a few videos or live events and he’ll recognize that he is not alone and that there is help. Wishing you and yours all the best,


  16. Bix Pancoe

    Hello to everyone behind this website!
    I’m a high school student, about the same age as Blake. I am doing an assignment on obsessive compulsive disorder and came across this page. I was wondering if I could use some information and stories from this blog to show just how drastic OCD can be. If it is preferred that I do not do so, just say the word.

    P.S. – I have a mental issue called trichotillomania, a disease far less well-known and widespread as OCD. Anyways, I know the internal conflict of whether or not to see a counselor/therapist, etc.

    Thanks for taking the time to read all this!

    1. Bix Pancoe

      From a non-scholarly standpoint, I’d like to wish you all the best in your endeavors. Seeing this page made me feel inspired to overcome my own mental issue, and I thank you all for that.

    2. Bix, you are more than welcome to use information and stories from this blog for your assignment. If I can help in any way at all, please let me know. And I am very familiar with trichotillomania. It often comes along with OCD, so I see it in some of my patients. You sound like a courageous guy!

  17. Marie

    Thank you for your blog about how OCD can affect siblings. I have a 14 year old son with Tourettes and OCD (not yet officially diagnosed). The sudden onset of debilatating OCD has significantly affected our family for a few months now. He cannot look at his sister. If he does, he has to “cancel” her out a set number of times by looking at other family members. We see a neurologist in a few weeks. He doesn’t want to go and is in denial that he needs help. Our whole family could use counseling, especially my daughter. She feels like a prisoner in our house and wants to steer clear of seeing him b/c he causes so much disruption. He is a homebody and has completely changed in the past few years with the onset of Tourettes first and now OCD. It is so difficult. Hoping to get some options that will help at our appointment. It is destroying our family of 6. I am so sad for him and all of us.

    1. Thank YOU for reading and for sharing your own experience. My heart is with you and your son and your entire family as you move along on this journey. You are not alone; there are many of us going through this who are at various stages. There is hope and there is healing. If you haven’t yet, do read information for parents on the website for the International OCD Foundation, and do check out the “Unstuck: An OCD Kids Movie” website and Facebook page. – Angie

  18. Courtney

    Thank you so much for writing these blog posts. My twin has OCD and I related so much to Michael. Before I went to college I told my parents I was leaving and never coming back because I couldn’t deal with it anymore. I don’t know how to tell them how it’s affecting me. I live far from them now but anytime they come visit, my sister and I always have an argument. Everyone just let’s her act how she wants and she’s treated like the baby of our family. They consider me the older sister even though we are twins and it’s excruciating because she is never held accountable for her actions. Reading “OCD in the Family” made me cry harder than I have in a while. I just don’t know how to let these feelings go. I love her but it’s just so hard to deal with her. Thank you so much for writing this.

    1. Courtney, Thank you so much for reading and for sharing your personal experience. OCD can be tough on everyone and it’s definitely rough on siblings. Michael has gone to therapy, both with Blake’s OCD therapist, and on his own. It has really helped him to be honest with us and with Blake. If you haven’t yet, perhaps a visit for yourself with a therapist who understands OCD could help you to sort through your feelings and find your voice. There’s also great resources for family members on the IOCDF website: https://iocdf.org/ . And Jon Hershfield wrote “When a Family Member Has OCD” which is really a book for you to find your own way to relate. https://www.amazon.com/When-Family-Member-Has-Obsessive-Compulsive/dp/1626252467 . Whatever you do, I will wish all the best for you.

      – Angie

  19. Tina scharley

    HEllo Angie; I am sure you get this all the time but THANK YOU!!! I am so happy I found your blog, our son has OCD and it just feels as if my heart is being ripped from my chest every time he has anxiety,a flare up or depression, it affects me so badly that I get anxiety. I grew up with a brother with OCD though,we were never told by our parents what was going on, they tried to hide it from us. I am adopted and had no thought that I would be dealing with this in one of my children. I see so much of my brothers behavior in your son and that is the first time I could really see what he must go through every day. Our son is doing therapy cbt/ erp and he takes medication, I just feel like I have failed him, I know I have to jump way back and let him do this on his own I just want to protect him from everything. Thank you again for sharing it was like reading my own life. Tina

  20. Lily

    I stumbled over your blog while googling how to care for hands that have been dried out from overwashing. When I saw your post that showed the pictures of Blake’s hands, cut and dried and raw, it was really overwhelming for me, since my hands were close to looking like that. I’ve spent the last few days reading through all your archived posts, and I just need to thank you for sharing your family’s story and, more specifically, Blake’s story, with the world.
    Almost a year ago I started experiencing intrusive thoughts pertaining to moral and religious issues. I thought I was a bad person, and that I needed to be kept away from my family and others so that I couldn’t hurt them. I kept going to my parents and religious leaders for reassurance, and while I would be comforted for a little while, once again the thoughts/feelings plagued me or I feared I had done something “bad”, and I kept going back to talk to them. Never did I think that I had OCD.
    Fortunately, unlike many OCD sufferers, I was diagnosed only a couple of months after these symptoms became apparent and was able to find a therapist that specialized in ERP.
    But the reason why Blake’s story is so close to my heart is because I am ashamed to say that I refused to do the work my therapist set out for me. I had all the tools and all the information I needed, but I wouldn’t do the work. And my compulsions became more numerous and my obsessions evolved and more things were added to what my OCD said was “bad” or “wrong”.
    And as I read your words, I heard the same words of my mother trying to help me. I truly understand how she feels.
    And as I read about Blake’s experience, I am so overwhelmed at how much I can relate to it. I graduate high school this year, and I know my parents are concerned about if I’ll be able to function on my own. I’m a little scared about that too. But reading your words has helped me to see the there is always hope.
    I thank you again and again for your courage and bravery in sharing this with the world. Your blog has really inspired me and has motivated me to fight my OCD and not let myself be a slave to your disorder.
    Best wishes to you and your family,

    1. Lily, I just read your comments (I’ve been away from my blog in the past week or so and just checked in now). I was so touched by your words that I read them to my entire family, Blake included. There was a collective “awwwwww….” from everyone. We ALL wish you the best on your journey. Blake especially appreciates your words and says, “Keep up the good fight!” Sending all the best to you and your family from ours. Keep us posted, if you can!

    2. Sophie

      Hey Angie,

      Just wanted to say thank you to you and Blake for sharing his journey; after a decade-long suspicion, I was officially diagnosed today with OCD and will be starting medication tonight. I feel like such a weight has been lifted. Honestly, Blake’s story helped me to keep searching for resources until I was able to be connected with the professionals I needed. It was a long road, but I’m so glad I didn’t give up. Thanks for the inspiration, Blake! Best of luck in all you do!

  21. Thinking of you and your family as this July 4th holiday weekend begins Angie. It just occurred to me to be grateful that living in this Free Country allowed you to go back to school to become an OCD specialist!

    I’m reading my first book about ACT therapy, which dovetails nicely with my study of mindfulness and meditation. I always feel like I am “fighting with OCD“ as I work on ERP therapy. That mindset is, of course, exhausting at times as ERP treatment can be a long hard battle. The introduction of the word “Acceptance“ (accepting that I have OCD) as I continue to work on ERP therapy is something that I find attractive. It softens the concept of “fighting OCD” into an attitude of “Accepting that I have a disease that requires hard work to treat” (still using ERP therapy).

    For me at least, replacing the word “fight” with the words “accept and treat” makes the treatment feel less harsh and exhausting. Sometimes small changes like this can lead to increased success!

    Wishing You and Your Family the Best As Always,
    Paul K.

    1. Paul, this note made my heart soar! YES, ACT can “supercharge” OCD treatment in the sense that it helps make this more about accepting that this is hard and yet choosing to turn toward hard things to live according to what reflects your values and what is meaningful and important to you. I really don’t like the concept of “fighting” OCD for many people. I recognize for some, they are supercharged by “fighting.” Yet fighting can seem exhausting. You mean I’m always going to have to fight? How about acknowledging that it’s there, but I don’t have to “fight” with it? I can notice it, I can accept it, but I don’t have to engage with it in certain ways. I’m so excited! Yes, little changes can make all the difference? Which ACT book are you reading?

      And, yes, I am so grateful that I’ve had the freedom and ability to go back and train to do this work. It’s brought so much meaning to my life. Wishing you all the best! – Angie

  22. Angie, thank you so much for your inspiring and optimistic reply! I have not finished the book yet, but I suspect you basically just outlined what ACT therapy is in a single paragraph! (I believe I now owe you a consultation fee 😉 .)

    I am reading “The Happiness Trap” by Russ Harris. If there are other books about ACT therapy that you recommend I would love to hear what they are. However if that is inappropriate, no worries!

    Indeed in my case, the idea of “not fighting“ but instead “just letting the OCD be there but not engaging” gives me a LOT of hope! I have been looking at ERP therapy as a battle/fight for 31 years now. It is absolutely the wrong approach in my case. I have no idea how many times I have had to “take a break“ from doing ERP therapy due to mental exhaustion, but I suspect it is easily 100 times or more.

    It means a lot to me to know that you are in favor of ACT therapy when it is a good fit. Thanks again for your reply. Be Well – Paul

    1. Hi Paul. Sorry it has taken me so long to reply. There is A LOT going on here and I am exhausted most days. Seriously reading this from you and your previous comment have been a light and a delight for me in these days.

      Russ Harris and anything he writes is terrific. “The Happiness Trap” is definitely written for the public; so is “Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life,” by Steven Hayes. Specifically for OCD (although I haven’t read it yet) is “The ACT Workbook for OCD,” by Marisa Mazza. And, if you want to have a little fun, “Stuff That’s Loud” is a beautiful gem written by Ben Sedley and Lisa Coyne – it was written for teenagers, but it’s just beautiful. So, not recommending them in any particular order, but those are some others you can peruse if you want to! I’m excited for you!

    1. Liam – thank you for reaching out. It’s been a journey. He started in a partial hospitalization program. Within a couple of weeks he was back in the hospital again. He is home now and we are working to piece together an approach for him. Did I say it’s been a journey? All the best – Angie

      1. Liam asked the question that I didn’t dare to ask for fear of “crossing some boundary”. I appreciate that you were open to replying Angie. (Thanks for having the courage to ask Liam!)

        You, Blake, and your entire family will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers Angie ❤

        Paul K

  23. Pingback: Eight Years – OCD In The Family

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