Just an Update

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

Hello Dear Readers,

It’s been a little while since I’ve written and someone just reached out to me to ask how things have been since Blake’s hospitalization. I’m guessing this person is not the only one who has wanted to know so I’d like to share a little update. This style is uncharacteristic for me on this blog, but I’m so very tired lately, and it’s the easiest way for me to share with you what has been going on.

Not long after my last post Blake returned home and started in a partial hospitalization program (for OCD, anxiety, and depression). That means he went five days a week for six hours each day. Without sharing too many details, I can say that it did not go well for him and he was admitted back to the hospital within a couple weeks of being released. This second hospitalization was longer and he is now home again. We are working as a family to put together the pieces of what aftercare will look like.

I can share my own personal experience of this as being scary, confusing, and an emotional roller coaster. When your young adult is admitted to a psychiatric ward and held, they (and you) lose control over exactly what happens and when they get to leave. There are twists and turns on a daily basis – he’s going to be trying this procedure. No, wait, he’s not. He’s on this medication. No, we changed that two days ago. We’re recommending this program. No, we’re not. We think it’s this diagnosis. No, we changed our mind – it’s this. Oh, can you pick him up in two hours? He’s coming home.

My head has been spinning and it’s not been easy to regain my balance. I’m decreasing my workload as much as I can to attend to my family. As many of you know, I’m a psychologist who specializes in treating anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. I can tell you that none of my education, training, or experience has prepared me to face this situation more than anybody else. I don’t like that. Sometimes it feels like Blake has been moved from professional to professional and there’s no one staying involved long enough to keep things moving forward in a logical direction. It feels like we, as a family, have been tossed around – and now it is our job to sort out what’s next with the leads we have been given.

I’ll keep you posted on our progress. We are diving into uncharted waters. I hope that, someday, I can use this experience to help make is less scary and confusing for others.

All my best,


5 thoughts on “Just an Update

  1. It must be so hard to relinquish control, especially when you have expertise in the matter. Hoping things settle down and improve. Sending my best thoughts.

  2. Thank you for this update. It all sounds harrowing. I really appreciate that you have shared this information and that in the midst of everything you took the time to write about your experiences. It is so valuable to understand what you’re going through, although I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. I am really, really hopeful he finds good care that is stable. I will continue to pray for your family!!

    1. Thank you. Me, too. It is really confusing. I know I keep saying that. It’s like you get out the hospital door with them telling you what you ought to do – and then you have to put all the pieces together. And then you meet providers who you were directed to and they tell you to do something different. So confusing (there’s that word again). I wish there was a case management service that held your hand and followed you through this.

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